Golf Tips | Philadelphia PGA Junior Tour

Golf Tips

In partnership with Philadelphia PGA Professionals, we have gathered clips of golf tips to provide education to juniors who are looking to learn and work on developing their game.




Andy Miller discusses the flop shot and gives you a few key moves to work on.




Steve Sieracki covers part 1 of his essentials to know for pitching.




Don’t put that alignment rod away just yet! Check out part 2 of Steve Sieracki’s essentials to know for pitching.



Today is all about tempo! Thank you to Brian Moose for sharing some tools to work on the tempo of your putting stroke to be more accurate and consistent.



It is time to put that putting practice from yesterday to the test! See how you do with these putting challenges from Brian Moose.



Don’t under estimate the importance of warming up and stretching before you get on the golf course. Thank you to David Zimmaro for the great tip on how to improve flexibility and help you hit the ball farther!



Here are two great swings to work on to improve your partial wedge shots. You can thank John Rudolph for saving you strokes around the green.

It all starts with the set up! Steve Sieracki helps you get the right foundation to hit your driver higher and farther in part 1 of his 2 part series on setting up to hit the driver.



Check out part 2 to make sure you are setting up correctly and making the right adjustments to hit your driver straight down the middle. Thanks Steve!


Today John Rudolph shares a great drill to generate power out of your backswing. Make the most out of your time at home so you are ready for when we can get back on the golf course!



Some more great information to make sure the start of your swing is setting you up for success. Challenge yourself with this drill from David Zimmaro to see if your backswing is on a good path. 



Struggles with slicing or pulling the ball off the tee? Steve Sieracki shows you the correct position to be in to avoid these misses.



Practice this drill from Steve Sieracki to get rid of that miss to the right and learn how to hit a draw.




Improve your ball striking with this drill from John Rudolph! The more you hit the ball in the sweet spot the more greens in regulation you will see.