Rankings And Recognition (AJGA And JGS) | Philadelphia PGA Junior Tour

Rankings and Recognition (AJGA and JGS)

Click here to view the PJT AJGA/JGS Schedule

AJGA Performance Based Entry (PBE)

Performance Based Entry was introduced in 2003 as the means to determine AJGA tournament fields.  This enables 12 to 18-year-old members to earn their way into AJGA tournaments based on performances at the national, regional and state levels.

The AJGA is committed to providing the best exposure for young men and women who aspire to earn college golf scholarships.  The PBE process will continue to ensure the strongest fields possible for AJGA events while also providing opportunities for anyone who has earned the right to compete at this level.

Philly Junior Tour events with AJGA listed in their name have been awarded PBE status by AJGA. Divisions eligible for PBE stars for a specific event will be listed on the tournament information page. Not all divisions are guaranteed to be eligible for PBE stars. PBE status for Philly Junior Tour events is based on tournament entry numbers per division from the year prior for the same event. If a division surpasses the tournament entry numbers, PBE status may be awarded for the same division the following year. If a division fails to surpass the tournament entry number requirement, PBE stars will not be awarded for that division the following year.

Divisions for AJGA events are as follows: Boys 13-18 and Girls 13-18. All Boys 13-18 competitors will be playing from the blue PJT tees typically between 6400-6600 yards. All Girls 13-18 competitors will be playing from the red PJT tees typically around 5600 yards. PBE stars will be awarded for 13-18 divisions per the criteria listed above, which is reflected on the tournament information page for that event. (The 12 & Under Division may participate in the event but are not eligible for AJGA recognition per AJGA rules unless playing in 36 holes over the course of 2 rounds.)

In addition to the divisions listed above, all competitors ages 13-18 will play within their respective age/gender division (Boys 16-18, Girls 16-18, Boys 13-15, Girls 13-15) for PJT Player of the Year points and medals. Special awards will also be handed out to the overall winners for Boys 13-18, Girls 13-18 and 12 & Under.

Performance Based Entry Map
Performance Based Entry Exemption Tables

“AJGA” on the PJT Tournament Schedule lists all American Junior Golf Association nationally ranked events.


Junior Golf Scoreboard (JGS)

The Junior Golf Scoreboard system is based on a formula that reviews a player’s record in 36-hole or longer tournaments over the last 365 days.  Tournaments drop out of the calculation after one year.  A player must have four events within the year to be ranked.

The criteria are as follows:

  • Scoring Differential:  For the 85 percent of the player’s round that are his/her lowest scores, a player’s average score is compared to the USGA rating of the courses they played (65 percent weight).
  • Strength of Field:  Whom did the player compete against and how strong were the records of their competitors (25 percent).
  • Finish:  Average finish of the competitor with consideration given to the size of the field (10 percent).

The Junior Golf Scoreboard typically receives results for over 1,100 tournaments worldwide and ranks approximately 5,000 – 6,000 players at any one time.

The Philly Junior Tour has two types of JGS events: multi-day events at the same facility (i.e. Penn State) and multi-day events at different facilities (i.e. Indian Spring and Golden Pheasant). For multi-day events at the same facility, one entry fee is charged for the entire event. All participants who register will play both days at the facility. For multi-day events at different facilities, participants may register for one or both days and will pay separate entry fees for both days.

All Philly Junior Tour events with JGS in their name, including multi-day events at the same facility or different facilities, will be eligible for JGS recognition as long as there are at least 5 participants who play both days in a division. If fewer than 5 people register for a division, then that division will not be eligible for JGS rankings.

Divisions for JGS events are as follows: Boys 13-18 and Girls 13-18. All Boys 13-18 competitors will be playing from the blue PJT tees typically between 6200-6400 yards unless the event is also an AJGA event (then 6400-6600 yards). All Girls 13-18 competitors will be playing from the red PJT tees typically around 5600 yards. Following completion of the multi-day event, the PJT will submit the results to JGS for 13-18 divisions per the criteria listed above, which is reflected on the tournament information page for that event. (The 12 & Under Division may participate in the event but are not eligible for JGS recognition per JGS rules unless playing in 36 holes over the course of 2 rounds.)

In addition to the divisions listed above, all competitors ages 13-18 will play within their respective age/gender division (Boys 16-18, Girls 16-18, Boys 13-15, Girls 13-15) for PJT Player of the Year points and medals. For those that participate in both days of a multi-day event at different facilities, they will receive bonus points that will be determined based on their placement in the multi-day event.

Junior Golf Scoreboard – Home
Boys Rankings
Girls Rankings

“JGS” on the PJT Tournament Schedule lists all Junior Golf Scoreboard nationally ranked events.